Sunday, April 3, 2011

My Shoe Game Poppin!!!

Ladies, ladies, ladies... I have been seeing alot of foolishness when it comes to shoe game lately... Where is the pride in your shoe wear? Ladies that is one thing we are suppose to be obsessive about, because its an avenue in which we can be sooo expressive and unique, the sky is the limit when it comes to shoes!!!  And men? You are NOT off the hook either because I've seen some drastic mistakes with you all too!  And please believe your girl can talk...! Why? because my game is ziplock sealed tight! Pure as the fallen snow tight!  Would you like me to show you?  Example, my new ankle accessories that I debuted last night...-
Gotta love them! Plus ladies, if you are going to wear strappy shoes or peep toes, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get a pedicure and some cocoa butter lotion!  I mean Vaseline even makes a cocoa butter petroleum jelly now... No excuse!  Now let's get into heels/ pumps/ stilletto's 101... Pay attention...
Let's start with a little Louboutin...
This will all be for Spring/Summer 2011

I LOVE these! I WILL be adding these to my personal collection!

These too... Gorgeous... Look how different they are, but still kinda simple... What's so hard about this ladies? Next!

Wow... Tell me that you are not feelin' these, and i'll slap the hell out of you for lying!!!

OMG!!! I'm trying to give you the colors because of the seasons, of course you can stick with classic black and a little, only a little brown... But what's different about thtose? Unless they are Badd Ass!!!

And you know i had to throw in some animal print, since if you know ANYTHING about fashion, you know that animal print is IN...

Now gentlemen, for you all, let's do a little Dior Homme...

A little classic navy... Now this next one is different as hell! Get ready...

It's like half sandal half boot, you can't even tell right? I love it!

Alright my lovelies... I just wanted to give you all an example of what's good... Ladies, please stop wearing shoes that your feet are leaning in... It's VERY noticeable and its NOT CUTE!!! Everyone can't wear 6' ok?  Just understand that... But 4' and above is the move... Just had to give an FYI blog real quick!!!

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